Society for Economic and Social Promotion and Development of La Palma - SODEPAL



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El Cabildo abre el plazo de inscripciones para la nueva edición del ‘AstroAventura La Palma’
El Isla Bonita Love Festival “conquista” con orgullo la plaza Francisca Gazmira
El influencer Tazarte: “No se agarren al miedo, agárrense a la libertad”
El Love Festival llenará de orgullo la Plaza Francisca Gazmira de El Paso
Topacio Fresh y The Cultural Magazine cierran la semana social del Love Festival

On 26th and 27th August some 22 young people will have the opportunity to feel like astronomy professionalsThe Cabildo of La Palma has opened the registration period to participate in the new edition of AstroAventura La Palma, an activity developed by the public company Sodepal with the funding of the

26 July, 2024

The president of the Cabildo de La Palma, Sergio Rodríguez, highlights the importance of this type of action to make the LGTBIQ+ community more visible and to continue fighting for a free and diverse societyThe Isla Bonita Love Festival proudly "conquers" the Francisca Gazmira square in the municipality of El Paso. The president of the

26 July, 2024

Influencer, singer and dancer Tazarte has stopped by the set of LOVE TV, the exclusive content channel of the Isla Bonita Love Festival, to tell how his life changed after getting on his heels and using his image to express himself: "As much as I received more negative comments than ever,

26 July, 2024

The Isla Bonita Love Festival will fill the Plaza Francisca Gazmira in El Paso with pride, one of the already consolidated actions of this event, which this year moves to this municipality on the occasion of its triennial festivities. Organised by the Cabildo of La Palma, through the company

25 July, 2024

The social agenda of the Isla Bonita Love Festival concludes this Friday, 26th July, with the meeting between the transsexual activist Topacio Fresh and the magazine and podcast The Cultural Magazine at the 'Jornadas jurídicas: Retos para la Justicia en Materia de Igualdad'.

25 July, 2024



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