C.V. El Tendal
The Archaeological Park of El Tendal has as its nerve centre an enormous natural cave in which some twenty Benahoarites (Aborigines of La Palma) lived for at least a thousand years. Five excavation campaigns have been carried out at this archaeological site, directed by Ernesto Martín Rodríguez and Juan Francisco Navarro Mederos, which have provided a wealth of information about the life and culture of the ancient La Palma people.
This work has made it possible to discover and study thousands of remains that formed part of the domestic household goods (ceramics, lithic pieces, bone and malacological industry, etc.), as well as the daily activities (bones of domestic fauna, food evidence of marine origin, plant collection, charcoal, seeds, etc.) of those who lived in this cavity. Some of these objects form part of the exhibition discourse.
In the Visitor Centre you can find information not only about the research carried out in the Cueva del Tendal itself (Barranco de San Juan. Los Galguitos), but also about the primitive canton of Adeyahamen (now San Andrés y Sauces), with special emphasis on the use of the natural environment, their magical-religious beliefs (cave engravings, stone piles and groups of small channels-cazole) and their burial customs.
The exhibition is completed with original archaeological pieces, explanatory panels and audiovisuals, including a scientific documentary, several short fiction films and a video mapping, exclusive to the Tendal Archaeological Park.
- LP-1, 38729 San Juan, Santa Cruz de Tenerife
- lapalmacentrosturisticos.com