Society for Economic and Social Promotion and Development of La Palma - SODEPAL


The Cabildo promotes various craft courses from October onwards

The Cabildo de La Palma is committed to craftsmanship. With the collaboration of the public company Sodepal and its project La Palma Artesanía, several courses in different disciplines will be held, with the aim of revitalising this art and craft. From this October until December, these workshops will be given by professionals specialised in the different modalities of this sector.

The Councillor for Crafts, Pablo Díaz Cobiella, stresses the importance of continuing to promote this type of activity. "Craftwork is one of the fundamental pillars of our development in the past, so we must not leave it in oblivion and continue to promote and boost this important sector", says Díaz Cobiella, who assures that these workshops "will be a great learning experience for the students, as well as an opportunity for the artisans to display their skills and their passion for the craft".

For her part, Miriam Perestelo, CEO of Sodepal, assures that "it is necessary to dynamise and give a voice to this sector, which continues to generate a significant part of the island's economy, as well as at regional level".

The training courses will begin this Thursday, 3rd October, with the Pattern Making, Cutting and Dressmaking Course, which will be held every Tuesday and Thursday from 16:00 to 19:00 hours, until 31st December.

The next two courses will take place from Monday to Friday, from 14th to 18th October. The first will be Wicker and Cane Basketry. The timetable will be from 9:00 to 13:00 hours and from 16:00 to 20:00 hours. On the other hand, the Enamelled Ceramics Course will be held from 10:00 to 13:00.

It should be noted that all these activities will take place at the Escuela Insular de Artesanía, located in Villa de Mazo. All the workshops will have a cost of 5 euros, being free for students and unemployed people.

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