Society for Economic and Social Promotion and Development of La Palma - SODEPAL


Music, gastronomy and activities for children complete the programme of the 'Santa Cruz Shopping Day'.

This innovative proposal, which aims to promote and give visibility to local commerce and offer a unique experience to customers, will be held on Thursday 5 December in Santa Cruz de La Palma.

The Cabildo de La Palma, through the public company Sodepal and in collaboration with AEPA, Casco Histórico and the Town Hall of Santa Cruz de La Palma, announce the programme of activities that will complete the proposal of the 'Santa Cruz Shopping Day', in which music, gastronomy and activities dedicated to children will allow them to enjoy a full day.

The Councillor for Economic Promotion and Trade of the La Palma Island Council and CEO of Sodepal, Miriam Perestelo, points out that throughout the day, DJs, classical music, magic, face painting, Disney characters, a robotics workshop with Legos or a 360º photo booth will turn the 'Santa Cruz Shopping Day' into an innovative proposal that seeks to boost local commerce and offer a unique experience to customers.

Miriam Perestelo emphasises that this is one of the events promoted by the Cabildo de La Palma for the Christmas holidays, allowing local consumption to be encouraged during these key dates for the commercial sector.

Santa Cruz Shopping Day', adds the councillor, seeks to promote and give visibility to local commerce and offer a unique experience to the clientele, where each shop will be a discovery.

For her part, the Santa Cruz de La Palma Councillor for Commerce, Omaira Pérez, points out that "Christmas and the dates leading up to it are a great time to encourage shopping in local commerce, which is what generates direct jobs and wealth for families on La Palma".

Likewise, the president of AEPA Santa Cruz, Virginia Castro, pointed out that "with this special event we want Santa Cruz de La Palma to look like a city full of glamour, fashion and good shops ready to offer the best to all citizens".

Along the same lines, the president of the Association of Traders of the Old Town, Juan Arturo San Gil, indicated that "Santa Cruz de la Palma Shopping Day is an opportunity to support our local commerce, showing the vitality and diversity that characterises our shops and establishments".

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