Society for Economic and Social Promotion and Development of La Palma - SODEPAL



La Palma is Commerce

This is a SODEPAL initiative to promote, stimulate and generate responsible and local consumption habits aimed at the island's resident population.

In addition, the provision of support for consumption in small businesses with the development of actions to stimulate purchases through commercial campaigns.

LA PALMA IS COMMERCE is a support tool for the island's commercial sector, providing information related to commerce in a single space. It allows the concentration of companies that generate the economy and sources of employment.

On the island of La Palma, small businesses, most of which are micro-small businesses, play a fundamental role, which is governed by giving value to the commercial activity that is so important at this time on the island.

La Palma es Comercio also responds to the needs of the island's rural commerce, involving them in the island's initiatives that are developed for their benefit.

Therefore, it aims to be an effective tool for information and communication between the public company SODEPAL, the existing trade network in La Palma through associations and/or federations or individually, and ultimately the consumer.

Useful information
